Happy, Happy Wishes for Kim . . .

August 27
Birthdate of Kim Rudas Goerlitz

"Every Birthday, 
you decide whether to mark it 
the end of your greatest days 
or the beginning of your finest hour."

Dear Kim... wishing the very best ahead.  Thank you for all that you bring to our little family circle.  We are all more blessed because of you.  

Imagine that, we have known you for over 17 years, right?  That time has flown by. How wonderful is that!

"Let gratitude be the pillow 
upon which you kneel 
to say your nightly prayer.  
And let faith be the bridge you build
to overcome evil and welcome good."
- Maya Angelou

God bless and be well.


  1. Maya Angelou knows her stuff. Thank you for this lovely post, Shirley. I cherish being part of this beautiful little clan ;-)


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