This is Such a Treat!

The blog title today is a short sentence that always ended in a smile or a wee tear! Sheila May is credited with that and said it so often that we all laughingly jumped on her before too many hours were passed together.

It was a sweet time... our Sisters Road Trip 2015.

"Sweet, crazy conversations 
full of half sentences, 
daydreams and misunderstandings 
more thrilling 
than understanding could ever be."
Toni Morrison

I do believe I was able to escape the wrong end of the camera the entire week. Hopefully there is not a rogue photo out there with me in it!! This photo was taken by Sheila May's house in Roseburg.

The beginning of the trip, for me, started at the ferry terminal on Mayne Island, taking me to the mainland where I met Marilyn and Bobbi.

And the three of us came to our initial destination, Sheila May, by Monday dinner time. It was Sheila May's birthday so it was a time for celebration. We four don't seem to party quite so easily as we used to but it was still a good time.

I now realize that I missed some good opportunities for some important photos that first day. I missed one of Jill, Mark and Sadie who had dinner with us all that first night and I don't have a photo of David, Sheila May's husband, who takes such good care of her. He put up with 4 crazy women coming in and out of his domain all week with not a murmur.

But as you can see, I did notice the rose bush across the street, which was loaded with amazing blossoms.

"Do you think the neighbours want us to take photos of their flowers?" asked Sadie.

"Oh, I am sure they would love for their beautiful roses to be captured on my camera," said Shirley Ann, with a broad smile!

"Then why is the dog barking so loudly?" Sadie asked.

Tuesday, May 12, Day 2

Another missed photo was the sign for the Wildlife Safari, outside of Roseburg a few kilometres, and other than nasty old fences and the fact we could only stay in the vehicle to drive through, it was a wonderful day.

Nice ponies, right? And the backdrop was a perfect foil for their dramatic coats.

All the animals looked very healthy and well cared for.

Camels, buffalo, elk, ostrich, wild turkey, Canada geese, elephants and monkeys dotted the hillsides.

These bears put on a show for us for some minutes, growling, snarling and wrestling like two little boys in the back yard. My photos invariably had fence lines in or some other inconvenience but they were gorgeous creatures having a great time, or so it appeared.

Interesting cranes that were so happy to be remembered when we drove through with our windows down, throwing food bits (we bought there) out for them. They were very talented and could catch the food mid-air.

Marilyn put food up on the top of her side mirror and I happened to catch the big guy eyeing it. He was very adept at picking off the bits so quickly he was hard to catch!

And then we come to the favourite photo of the day. Isn't he cute?

He was so anxious for food he couldn't be bothered chewing/swallowing the grass he had just been nibbling on when we drove up. I tossed... he caught. He knew we enjoyed him and came back again and again for more nibbles.

Wednesday, May 13, Day 3

Day 3 dawned and without much fuss we four were off for a two night stay in Bandon, Oregon. This was a 'treat'. All of us love the ocean, which seems odd for four prairie girls, but there is something very healing about the ocean.

On April 19 of this year, Sheila May had suffered a 'heart event', so the time together was more precious than ordinarily. 

Shore Acres State Park was our first full view of the ocean. Sheila May has lived in this part of the world for many years now and has her favourite spots she wanted to share with us. And they were all a delight.

In olden times this land was an estate for the Simpson family but now is a garden where can walk and soak up the beauty.

Some of the plants were tropical with fruit on that looked 'pretend' in its extraordinary beauty.

We revelled in the colours and textures planted for our enjoyment. A perfect sized garden for inspiration and uplift!

An old house still sits on the property. We did not go in but it takes very little for me to imagine the interior and start to decorate it in my head!

 Every place you turned your eyes was a grand feast.

We drove back to the ocean at Cape Arago State Park, I believe. With my lens on wide angle you can see large rock outcroppings. When I pull it in to the max you can see the crowds of sea lions and seals all along this part of the coast. The naturalist at the park told us how many were there but memory being not what it should, I have forgotten. Just know this, it was a staggering number. 

Big beautiful creatures.

We scooted on down the coast to Bandon where we had a great motel right on the ocean. This is what we saw when we got out of the car, walked into our unit and looked out the front window! We knew we would have no trouble staying two nights.

Of course, the beach beckoned me and I had to have a look see. This is looking back at our home away from home for a couple days.

Walking on the beach that first night I saw an amazing site. All up and down as far as I could see were little blue jelly fish come to their final resting spot.

Rather a sad sight.

I stayed down there long enough to get the last parts of the day in a couple different shots. It was glorious!!

And every few minutes the sky would change and of course the ocean looked different each time I snapped a photo.

And so the end of the day.

Thursday, May 14, Day 4

The next morning dawned bright and clear . We just knew we were in for a lovely day. It didn't take us long to be up and about. We had brought breakfast food with us so after our feast we were off.

Sheila May knew of a beach where the access would be such that would require no climbing to get down to or out of at the end of our day.

As a lover of light houses I was happy to see this stocky little fellow by the edge of the water.

And we were off to explore this beach together. Here Marilyn, Sheila May and Bobbi are setting off. Sheila May found a perch and the rest of us just badgered about. 

The opening photo of the Road Trip 2015 sign written in the sand happened here at Marilyn's hand while Bobbi and I hiked off to the far end of the beach looking for treasures.

I have many childhood, Peoria memories of Sheila May and Bobbi together. They were born one year and four days apart and have been great buddies through thick and thin.

This is a magnificent stretch of beach with large rock outcroppings dotting the shore.

And a bazillion gulls, I am sure.

Before the day was done it was time to head back to the car and be off exploring the little town of Bandon.

And another sun setting on another perfect day.

Friday, May 15, Day 5, Bobbi's Birthday!

It seemed that we had stayed just the right amount of time. When we looked out on Friday morning the ocean and the sky were already saying goodbye to us.

Marilyn had promised one last trip with me down to the water. It was hard to leave such a grand spot with such great company.

Over the hills the clouds hung menacingly low, wanting to drop moisture on us.

But we were not deterred. We wanted this last piece of earthly paradise, one more time.

Snapped this poor little old stranded jelly fish...

And looked back at the cabins one more time.

And said goodbye to our spot.

We had seen a rather strange sculpture in town each time we toured about but hadn't stopped yet for photos.

On close inspection we found that this sculpture consisted of garbage from the ocean that we humans carelessly tossed either overboard from a boat or left on the beach thinking someone else could pick up the debris.

The iris of the eye consisted of old beer can lids...

the sides were all manner of plastics...

 as was the tail. After I had taken a few shots we were off to Roseburg and home for Sheila May.

We had a royal celebration for Bobbi with not only cake but pie too! It was a lovely ending to a great week of sisters.

Sabbath, May 16, Day 6

After a quiet morning with Sheila May and David, Marilyn, Bobbi and I packed up and headed north, with a stop in Portland and then...

Sunday, May 17, Day 7

Oh Canada!!

Our week was about done. The time had gone by quickly but sweetly and memorably. Thank you to my sisters for the reminders of good people having a good time.

"When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching... they are your family."
Jim Butcher

"And always remember 
how much your crazy sister loves you."
Sarah Dessen


  1. Very handsome pictures -- looks like you guys had a great time. Makes me miss the OR coast.. sigh. Nice quote from Jim Butcher -- have you read him? His Dresden Files books are super fun.

    1. I love it when you stop by to give your encouragement in the process, the process of life, i.e.

      The Oregon coast is spectacular. And it was great to spend that time with good people.

    2. Will look up something by Jim Butcher and give it a read. Thanks for the heads-up.


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