Thursday 13 -Israeli Cuisine

Happy Thursday 13!…Recently I was searching for a recipe for Challah (Jewish Sabbath Bread) and online found wonderful resources and further information about the bread and its history. There was a site that listed some traditional foods used in Israeli cuisine and since I have a great fondness for all these foods and the Jewish culture I was intrigued. Here is a list of Thirteen of the foods used in Israeli cuisine…all wholesome, real foods. Enjoy!!!

Israeli Cuisine:

1. Figs…a food to be eaten slowly with closed eyes, delight in the heart and a slow murmuring in the voice. We love them fresh or dried in this house.

2. Couscous...we enjoyed a Couscous Salad this past week.  Yummy!

3. Wheat…a staple of my childhood.

A few Fridays ago I made two loaves of Challah... a treat that we have enjoyed over the past few years. There seems something special about a dish cooked with a specific holiday or celebration in mind.

One of my very favorite memories of Challah was the Friday night on our winter cruise this past February when we met with the Jewish congregation on the ship to start the Sabbath. After they read and chanted and sang together in Hebrew mostly, they broke the loaf into at least one piece for everyone and served it with Kosher wine, standing around, visiting and enjoying the company of other Sabbath believers. Even as we saw some of the folk later in the dining room they would smile, lightly bow their heads and say Shabat Shalom!

4. Barley...a wonderful addition to a hearty soup.

5. Dates...either you love them, or not...


6. Pomegranates...we enjoy the seeds tossed in a salad, lovely at the Christmas season.

7. Olives...another love them or leave them food!

8. Grapes...a perfect dessert.

9. Oranges...what would breakfast be without an orange.

10. Avocadoes...replace butter in our sandwiches.

11. Fish...supposed to be good for our hearts.

12. Falafels...

Falafel Wraps

Take a large tomato, spinach or whole grain wrap
Layer in finely chopped carrots, beets, lettuce, onion, sprouts, cucumber and radish (or whatever strikes your fancy)
Cover with a slice of cheddar cheese and falafels (either one long one or small ones in a row)
Roll up wrap and eat with relish (as in delight)!

13. excellent way to eat chick peas.

Is there a trip to Israel in my future? At the very least I can see a theme weekend in our food and maybe even movies…I am sure there are many other foods used but these were listed and it really struck a note in my heart!

Go have a terrific Thursday! 

To see other Thursday 13 participants click here.


  1. Everything looks so tasty good!!!!

  2. They all look good. I have never had couscous but would like to try it sometime.

  3. I enjoyed many of those over the years. Just had hummus last night.

    Have a great Thursday!

  4. Yummy! And I am so glad you put figs first. How very appropriate!

    Happy Thursday to you. xo

  5. Is that not a great photo of figs, Sherilee?

  6. How lucky I am to have a wife and a daughter that delight in preparing such awesome dishes. I get hungry just looking at those pictures and can't wait for some more couscous!

  7. Country Dew...couscous is so easy to prepare; just chop up some favorite salad vegetables to use with it. You will enjoy the change of was so exciting for me this week to be able to go out to my garden and pick all the herbs fresh!!!

  8. You've got me drooling. I haven't had falafel in ages.

    My TT is here.


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