William Morris . . .

William Morris, designer, is particularly known for his wallpaper designs and back-in-the-day I looked through much of his work, probably still have books in my art library.  His designs have a strong Victorian flavour but for a period room application, it is lovely.

This design of leaves reminds me of the work of Emily Carr, a Canadian artist known for her forest paintings . . . the light and the dark play off each other with great effect.

" . . .the true secret of happiness lies in 
the taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life."
-William Morris


  1. my favorite Wm. Morris trivia -- besides being good at EVERYTHING, like inventing typefaces and furniture, etc., he was a very early "speculative fiction" writer and partial inspiration for CSLewis' Narnia series.. his The Wood Between The Worlds had a big influence esp. on The Magician's Nephew..

    1. Isn't it interesting to see the varied talents of this man? And here I have known him for his wallpaper and textile designs and you know him as a writer...hmmm...love it! Thanks, Shelby.


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