Counting Down to Winter . . .

Here we are, almost to the middle of October, and, as you can see, we have a lot of shingles to apply and paint before the worst of winter is upon us...winter here only means rain and fog but that does shut down the painting department.

Sherwin brought up the rest of the shingles from the cabin and after we had set up scaffolding on the eastern side of the house, he started to throw them up (if it was just that easy).

But it looks great quickly...we both love to see our daily progress even though it isn't as rapid as we would like.

By Friday night Sherwin had two sections looking good.  I only have started with the paint on the wall but by tomorrow night I should be catching up to this photo...of course he will be off and running ahead with more fresh ones.  We are delighted with the results though.

But by Thursday night the rain was starting and last night and early this morning (Sabbath) we have had considerable rain.

Our world is damp and foggy...beautiful, nonetheless.

Hopefully when we get back at it tomorrow the conditions will be amenable to our plans.

These few photos just barely show any progress but we have both worked long hours at one thing or another towards the final goal.  It seemed I was looking at surfaces to paint all week, walls, ceilings, boards, shingles...and more walls.

Part way through the week I remembered a song from my teen years that I loved...loved the twang of it so please, go ahead and indulge me and listen to this memory-lane song...

Now you really know what you are missing by not being here...

God bless you all and be well.


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