The Thrill of Thankfulness . . .

"I would maintain that thanks 
are the highest form of thought; 
and that gratitude is happiness 
doubled by wonder."
 G. K. Chesterton

Often I have had a marvellous rush of euphoria when I have been deeply thankful for one thing or another. The spine-tingling, hair-raising joy that accompanies serious gratitude seems a miracle to me.

When I think of God in heaven, caring for someone like me...

When I look at my children and realize that the Lord takes me seriously when I pray for them...

When I am sitting on the sofa next to my husband, holding hands and just resting easily together...

When I see the exquisite beauty of flowers...

When something happens to make me realize that there is no such thing as happenstance...

etc., etc., etc.

May you feel that same thrill of thankfulness.
Be well and stay in touch.


  1. Yes, I do feel the thrill of thankfulness, as you know. Wonder where I got that from?


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