The Sounds of Summer

While painting on Deck 6 this week I noticed that even though I was all by myself with no visible means of entertainment around me I began to really hear the noises and sounds that happen in the summer on our little island.

...ship's whistle blown when the ferry wants a pleasure craft out of it's way
...chug, chug, chug of said ferry even though I am over 500 feet above the water
...squirrels chattering to one another
...eagle's chittering nearby ( I love the word 'chittering' since I learned that is the sound eagles make)
...hammer from the other side of the house where husband is working on rebar and foundations
...chain saw buzz of the neighbour
...birds singing
...bees humming along
...small boats plying the waters of Navy Channel below me
...occasional cars passing on the road below that is hid from view by tall trees and then the bark of a dog...probably Jessie

and, oh yes, I can hear the weeds growing in my gardens behind me.

You see why I say Thank You every morning...


  1. That deck is looking very handsome! Nice list of sounds..

  2. This is beautiful reminder of the awesome provision and abundance of God! Thank you!
    helen :)

  3. Just looking at the view from that deck around your tree--awesome!!!!!!I know what you mean about sounds--I sit out in my backyard and just listen some days--good for the soul.


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