A Nod to a Queen

Oh little ferry, Mayne Queen, your faithfulness amazes me...

You carry us to and fro, through sunshine or storm...

The steady chugging of your engines,
Make us feel secure out on the water...

Even on your open decks, I see beauty...

Your strength enables us to make our voyage count...

Our feathered friends greet us every time...

And for those non-feathered friends we thank you too...

Through fog or rain or sun or sleet you bear
Us here and there...

No matter which Queen, Mayne or Cumberland, carries us along
We are grateful for you...

Merci, beaucoup to you!


  1. What a great creative tribute!

    Great capture of the ferry employees posing for you.

  2. Thanks for the chuckle with the ferry workers. Nice to see people enjoying their work day...

    Pretty pictures all around--ferry life is a very particular way of life, isn't it?

  3. This is absolutely Beautiful! And really, you're the Queen of Mayne Island right?

    This makes me long for the BC coast ~ nothing like it in the entire world.


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