Photo(s) of the Day. . . January 1, 2013

It is part of the 2013 plan to take photos every day.  It seems I am getting near the end of painting walls in both the AZ house and at home on Mayne Island so I will have more time to devote to creative pleasures!

The photo above almost looks like I took it underwater but it was taken on the shady side of my neighbour Betty's house.

We have collected heart shaped rocks for so long that I am seeing hearts it grew in that shape, I do not know.  These plants teach me a thing or two about taking care of personal space.

And because it is a holiday I will give you a third photo dedicated to all 7 of our American children. Happy New Year!!!

God bless and be well.


  1. Imagine my surprise to actually see a heart shaped cactus...the two don't naturally come to mind in the same thought!

  2. Took me a minute to see why that last picture is dedicated to your American children... a little slow, apparently. Or, more like, a very familiar image, I suppose...

    1. It is very easy for me to see why Americans love their is glorious! We have a flag holder on our house too but haven't figured out what to fly there. One of our neighbours flies her Pittsburg Steelers flag. Apparently there are rules governing this aspect of our life here but I haven't read the rules yet. Any ideas?


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