Good Memories . . . Good Times

A month ago last night, we were invited to the Young house for dinner.  For some time Stanley had been telling us about a special Moroccan dinner he had been wanting to cook for us so we were delighted to be able to accept this invitation.

We arrived and Stanley had the kitchen just humming with good smells and a lot of activity. He even had Lorne stirring for him.  Sharyl played the sous-chef role in the background.

It is always lovely to taste someone else's cooking but this was quite outstanding...

First course was Honey Cinnamon Orange Slices...very nice combination, prepping us for great flavours to come.

It seems I did not take photos of all the dishes but one of the best surprises of the dinner was the Moroccan  Onion Confit with Raisins served along with the Bastila.  The Confit was so tasty...I had never tasted better carmelized onions.  And the Bastila was a chicken dish wrapped in phyllo pastry.  All the spices and flavours were so pleasing.  Yum, yum, yum!

The last dish served was Chermoula on Israeli Cous Cous.  This type of cous cous is much larger than the usual cous cous I have used in the past.  The dish on top had good heat...not too hot, just enough to be very interesting.  Another fun surprise were the hot yellow cherry tomatoes on top of the dish.  So good!

Everything was a major hit!

When dinner was over our host was able to relax with his friends and smile.  Stanley and Sharyl Young were great support to our work in Mexico.  We had never met them until we were introduced to them at the beginning of our project.  They bent over backwards to give us physical and emotional support through all our years there.  Stan and Sharyl are among the most generous people I have ever met.

I do hope you all have friends in your lives that take care of you through thick and thin.

Remember the good times.

And above all, be well.


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