At The End of a Lovely Day. . .

Before my head hits the desk with a mighty thud I want to share the day with you all.  The last of the windows are in . . .

Here is Sherwin putting the last nails in the last window.  

We have left bracing up so we can install siding when we return.  This is looking from the greenhouse beside the garage.

This is what you will see as you approach. . .

And the view behind you as you leave.  We are so pleased to be at this stage.

Down on deck 3 I turned and snapped this one again . . .

And some winter flowers to cheer us as we hurry past!

Just wanted you all to know we are making progress.  It seems slow some days but it is a marvel and a wonder other days!!

Have a great week.
God bless and be well.


  1. "deck 3" -- you have your decks numbered? wow.. how many are there?

    1. Yes, son, there are 6 decks in total and I am very personally acquainted with each one because of all the paint I applied last summer. Have a great day.

  2. Looks wonderful, so glad you were able to close it all in before your trip. Speaking of coming to see you, Jeanne mentioned May so I guess she is still thinking of it. Me too! Have to get our reservation in before everyone else comes to see the fabulous place!

    1. So far we have the last part of May already booked. The 24th weekend is the David Foster concert in Victoria and then the last weekend is when our kids from Bainbridge are coming. Other than that we are open, I think. May will be here in no time...

    2. Just checked the David Foster website and find out his concert is the same weekend, May 26, as our kids coming so we have to rearrange something there. I like smooth calendars with no overlap!!!!

  3. WOW! It's not just a beautiful house, but a beautiful location too. Trees around precisely make a big difference. Your house is looking fancy with all those unique roofing style and windows that come in different shapes and sizes. I am thrilled about what it's like to be inside your house with the lights passing through those windows. Great job!

    Herb Koguchi @Kroll Window

  4. 6 decks? Wow! That's a lot! Every homeowner wants a deck for their home and you have six. I'm truly impressed! Isn't it great to be able to be part of literally building the house. That is quite fulfilling on your part as homeowners because you get to work on it by your bare hands. I assume that by now everything has been fully furnished. Cheers!

    Isaac Andre @Patriot Exterior Solutions

  5. Your house has a very unique architecture. It's like a dream house that used to be only in your head now becoming a reality. I saw from your previous posts that you're in an elevated place. Big windows are must-haves if your house is surrounded with great views. Your readers are absolutely enjoying the progress you have made. Congratulations!

    John Barringer @Beach Windows


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