To Do List for 2013 . . .

Thirteen Ways To Add Polish To My Life In 2013:

Retirement doesn't mean I can get away without plans.  At one time I did think I would just be so self-disciplined that automatically all these fun projects would just happen.  To my chagrin I have found that I need to make definite plans to accomplish definite projects.

So in 2013 here are 13 of my plans for the fun part of life:

1.   Quilt with the ladies here at our winter community in AZ
2.   Pull out the watercolours again and make at least one picture a week with a daily drawing in my sketch book.
3.   Plan healthy menus, cooking at least one new savoury recipe a month.
4.   Finish off my gardens at our island home.
5.   Hike all the trails at Saguaro National Park East at least once.
6.   Draw my devotions.
7.   Read a minimum of 20 books.  This past year I read 16 and had no trouble doing that.
8.   Perfect one dessert a month.
9.   Take a class in writing (already registered with Alice Bradley).
10. Go back to taking at least one photograph each day.
11. Read books on financial principles and learn the vocabulary.
12. Crochet edgings for blankets and towels.
13. Enlarge blog readership.  Read other's blogs and encourage others to read mine through choice of subjects.

Cannot wait to get started.  Wishing you all well in the new year with your plans.

To read more of Thursday Thirteen click here...


  1. It seems to me that if you do most of these, you'll have plenty of subjects for your one-photo-a-day efforts. :)

    Happy TT!

    1. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew...but you are right. I should have a lot of material to work with.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Walking the trails sounds like fun, and think of the photo ops or drawing inspiration it might provide! My T13 post

  3. I'm looking forward to the "new" savoury recipe every month...
    Then at the end of next January you will have enough recipes for a Thursday 13 post.

  4. Great resolutions. Hope you get to keep them all.

    1. Yes, me too... ideas are easy to come up and now to the doing!

  5. T-13 is a great way to get your readership up.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Harriet, Happy New Year to you too.

      I am hoping that through my blog I will meet lots of new 'faces'.

  6. found you while exploring the T-13. Love your list and can readily identify. Many could/should be on my list as well.

  7. I think you will enjoy the TT community, Ma! Great list, and you will have lots of fun accomplishing it too, I am sure. xo

    1. There were a number of responses on Thursday and when I read the commenters blogs in return I was delighted with what I read on their postings. Just not sure I know 13 things about much!!!


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