
Showing posts from 2012

Thankfulness Through Adversity . . .

A Little Puzzle . . .

A Memory in the Middle of the Week...

For Miss Lucy . . .

At Week's End . . .

For Those Who Mourn . . .

At Week's End . . .

Simply Sajuaro Sabbath

Fun, Fun, and More Fun

Never Too Late for Thanksgiving . . .

On The Road Again . . . November 15, 2012

When We Stopped for Lunch, November 9

As of 3:15 p.m. November 2, 2012 . . .

Happy Birthday, Dear Girl!

Photo as Promised...

Saturna Sabbath

Drizzle, Drizzle, Damp . . .

Counting Down to Winter . . .

Learning Something New . . .