Monochromatic Monday

Yesterday I tried to email this photo to my Walla Walla children but they were not able to open the photo so I thought I would try to make this photo my black and white (Mono Monday).  Let's see how it comes out.

Hmmm . . . not sure I would like the second photo best.  But this way I am getting the photo off to my kids.

You all have a day full of colour, even if you have to make the colour yourself.

Be well.


  1. Oh so that's the photo. Hmmm. I think I like the color better too... those golden mountains need their color!!

    1. Yes, that is the photo...and I do agree on the colour. But I thought it would be a quick way to send it to you. I believe you have taken many photos of a similar nature but I love your view so thought you may want another reminder how lovely it is in the fall.

  2. I like the colored one best also! Always have loved those rolling hills! What a view!


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