Mid-Week Memory

I wish I could remember that first day,
First hour, first moment of your meeting me,
If bright or dim the season, it might be
Summer or Winter for aught I can say;

It seemed to mean so little, meant so much;
If only now I could recall that touch
First touch of hand in hand – did one but know!
                 -Christina Georgina Rosetti

What is the memory that comes to mind for you?  The first one...of you and who...


  1. Oh how I love that smile! It showed such happiness on our wedding day... and that smile still delights me every day.

  2. My first memory of you was on that Saturday night progressive party at CUC. The first stop was in the Biology Dept. and as everyone circled around the tables, I wasn't looking at what was on the tables. There was a girl that had my eye... and I was going to maneuver myself to get next to her!

    I remember in the Physics Dept. we were given a piece of copper wire, out of which I shaped the petals of a daisy flower and gave it to you. That was October 20, 1962. Three years nine months later we tied the knot... it was the best knot I have ever tied!


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